
Vhi Healthcare price decrease and benefit changes 01.04.2022

Vhi Healthcare have announced a price decrease on one plan PMI 04 10 as of April 1st 2022

PMI 04 10 will decrease from €1491 per adult to €1457.18 and from €397.87 per child to €389.91. Young Adult rates will also decrease on this plan. Further details can be found at the bottom of the page below.


The following benefit changes will also apply to PMI 04 10 as of 01.04.2022:

A Gender Reassignment Supports benefit is included on the plan providing a benefit of 50% up to €3,000 per lifetime

A Child Developmental Assessment benefit is included on the plan providing a benefit of €250 per lifetime

A Psychotherapy and Counselling benefit is included on the plan providing a benefit of 7 visits x €45

Vhi SwiftCare Appointment Services – Dental practitioner benefit – is removed from the plan


All changes will apply to new and renewing customers as of 01.04.2022.

VHI Prices April 22
Excel 25.95 KB
PMI0410 V21 Apr22
PDF 89.57 KB