Vhi Healthcare price and benefit changes - December 2023
Price changes
On 1 December 2023, Vhi will change the price of the following plans:
- PMI 44 16 (increase from €1,437.36 to €1,633.84 per year)
- PMI 01 10 (increase from €1,848.47 to €1,978.14 per year)
- PMI 31 12 (increase from €1,401.18 to €1,522.68 per year)
- PMI 49 10 (increase from €1,433.85 to €1,555 per year)
For full details of the new prices, including young adult and child prices, download the Vhi Price Changes file at the end of this page.
Benefit changes
On 1 December 2023, Vhi will make benefit changes to the following plans:
- PMI 31 12
- PMI 49 10
For full details of the benefit changes, download the Vhi Benefit Changes file at the end of this page. Some of the benefit changes include:
PMI 31 12
- Inclusion of Vaccination - Meningitis B and Chicken Pox - €60 per inoculation (two of each per lifetime)
- Inclusion of Vasectomy Benefit - 50% up to €250 per lifetime
- Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil - 50% up to €300 per lifetime
- Inclusion of New Parents food pack – full cover
PMI 49 10
- Inclusion of Vaccination - Meningitis B and Chicken Pox - €50 per inoculation (two of each)
- Inclusion of Vasectomy Benefit - 50% up to €250 per lifetime
- Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil - 50% up to €300 per lifetime