
Vhi Healthcare announce price and benefit changes – 1 August 2023

Price changes

On 1 August 2023, Vhi will change the price of the following plans:

  • PMI 29 12
  • PMI 10 11
  • PMI 07 10
  • PMI 14 10
  • PMI 53 10
  • PMI 60 10

To see the price changes, download the Vhi Price Changes file at the end of this page.

Benefit changes

On 1 August 2023, Vhi will make benefit changes to the following plans:

  • PMI 60 10
  • PMI 10 11
  • PMI 14 10
  • PMI 29 12

For full details of the changes, download the Vhi Benefit Changes file at the end of this page. Some of the benefit changes include:

PMI 60 10

  • Inclusion of Gender Affirmation Support - 50% up to €3,000 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of Vaccination - Meningitis B and Chicken Pox - €50 per inoculation (two for each per lifetime)
  • Inclusion of Vasectomy Benefit - 50% up to €250 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil - 50% up to €300 per lifetime

 PMI 10 11

  • Inclusion of Vasectomy Benefit - 50% up to €250 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil - 50% up to €300 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of Vaccination - Meningitis B and Chicken Pox - €50 per inoculation (two for each)
  • Increase to Pre-and Post-natal Care Benefit from €250 to - €400
  • Inclusion of New Parents Food Pack – full cover
  • Amendment to Optical Benefit – Cover for glasses/contact lenses increases from 75% of charges up to €50 in each 24-month period, to 75% of charges up to €120 in each 24-month period
  • The outpatient medical annual excess will decrease from €30 per member per year to €1 per member per year

 PMI 14 10

  • Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil 50% up to €300 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of Vasectomy 50% up to €250 per lifetime

PMI 29 12

  • Inclusion of Vaccination - Meningitis B and Chicken Pox - €60 per inoculation (two for each)
  • Inclusion of Vasectomy Benefit - 50% up to €250 per lifetime
  • Inclusion of IUS Hormonal Coil - 50% up to €300 per lifetime
  • The excess for day care and side room accommodation in all private facilities will increase from €100 per claim to €150 per claim
  • The excess for inpatient admissions in all private facilities will increase from €100 per claim to €150 per claim
  • Orthopaedic and ophthalmic cover in all private facilities will decrease from 80% cover to 60% cover
  • The outpatient medical annual maximum will decrease from €2,000 to €1,000

Vhi Price Changes

Excel 16.09 KB

Vhi Benefit Changes

Excel 14.26 KB